Our Services

We offer a variety of services that allows you to find a system that works with your lifestyle or organizational culture. We will work with you to ensure that you are set up for success from the start!

Life Coaching

You and Your Coach will meet to create a strategic plan of action that reflects your individual needs. This plan is based on your goals for establishing wellness and finding your purpose. It can include:

Weekly Coach Check-Ins

BFA Finding Beauty From Ashes Workbook

Language Reformation

MAP (Manifest Action Plan)

Treasure Hunting

Stress Reduction Strategies


Leadership Cultivation

We will work together to hone skills already in use while also learning new strategies for effective leadership such as:

Leadership Defined

Conflict Resolution

Mission-Driven Decision Making

Professional Integrity

Finding Beauty From Ashes ManifestAction Workbook

Cultural Humility

Team Building: Care & Accountability

Nonprofit Consultation

We help nonprofits streamline their mission and vision while aligning programming to reflect those values. Some focal areas include:

Partnership Development

Talent & Volunteer Recruitment

Stakeholder Engagement

Strategic Planning

Board Recruitment and Development

Inclusive Policy Development and Implementation

Bias Exploration & Antiracism/Anti-Oppression Training

Ready to take the first step? Contact us